Department of Computer Science & Engineering CISCO Network Academy Program
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Offered Courses on CCNA

Since its inception, RUET Cisco Academy is offering its courses for students. In order to accomplish this task which requires rather huge responsibility, RUET has a number of very competent instructors. The instructors are all full time teachers in Department of CSE, RUET. They encompass the whole band of seniors and juniors, starting from Professors to Lecturers, but all of them are very much committed to their duties. The academy is currently offering the following types of courses:

  • CCNA Routing and Switching

CCNA Routing and Switching

The academy offeres CCNA Routing and Switching course in three Semesters which are as follows:

1) CCNA 1: Introduction to Networks

2) CCNA 2: Routing and Switching and Wireless Essentials

3) CCNA 3: Enterprise Networking, Security, and Automation


©Department of Computer Science & Engineering, RUET, Rajshahi